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Titler på dansk skønlitteratur 1500-1975

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Corpus Codicum Islandicorum Medii Aevi

anonym: Corpus Codicum Islandicorum Medii Aevi, (1945-49, tekster, norrøn)
af anonym norrøn (sprog: norrøn)
redigeret af Ejnar Munksgaard
redigeret af Jón Helgason
Corpus Codicum Islandicorum Medii Aevi. Ed. by Einar Munksgaard. (Senere by Jón Helgason). Vol. XVII-XVIII
kollaps Noter
 note til titel Vol. XVII. Fragments of the elder and the younger Edda. AM 748 I and II 4:0. With an introduction by Elias Wessén.
 note til titel Vol. XVIII. The Arna-Magnæan manuscript, 677, 4to. Pseudo-Cyprian fragments. Prosper's epigrams. Gregory's homilies and dialogues. With an introduction by Didrik Arup Seip.